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Animated Videos: Here's How Professional Email List Shows Why They're So Effe...

Ziya194 2022-4-3 14:12:17 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式 回复:  0 浏览:  461
Did you know that today the attention span is only 8 seconds? Animated videos have become great allies to make users continue watching the content. Find out the main reasons here. Animated videos have now become one of the preferred formats for consumers . They allow to explain in a fun way even the most serious and professional email list topics of the companies. They work very well in a corporate way to inform on social networks or professional email list in business presentations. But why are they so attractive? Animated videos have managed to capture everyone's attention . Whether you are a general manager who wants to attract more and more customers for the growth of your company or a young user on professional email list who wants to learn about a certain topic.

According to specialists, the big problem for companies is not the production of products or services, but the way they are presented. Organizations have become showcases that, faced with so much competition in the market, need to transmit a message in an effective, successful, short and simple way. Otherwise, a brand could become synonymous with distraction, spam, boredom, or spam. What does science say? One of the main professional email list is attention deficit . Ten years ago, the attention span was 12 minutes. Today, according professional email list to a study by Microsoft , users only have 8 seconds of capacity to become interested in content, whether in audiovisual format or reading. Thus, today it is the short formats , such as animated videos, that have gained relevance because they are the ones that most impact the viewer at the beginning. Animated videos are curious : digital illustrations, fun animations, pretty colors, etc.

Everything comes together so that the viewer is informed in a didactic way. Also, they are usually short. They do not exceed two minutes and focus their greatest weight on the beginning, so they respond to the current retention capacity of consumers who, by the way, are increasingly digital. The Microsoft professional email list also indicates that the ability to retain long-term attention decreases as information (especially digital) increases and social networks are used more. This is because there is a bombardment of data and formats that users receive. So, they must choose what to consume quickly. Videos, being on the scale of currently preferred formats, take precedence. How do we define attention? According to William James , author of The Principles of Psychology (1890), attention means “taking possession of the mind, clearly and vividly, of what appear to be different objects or trains of thought”. The expert indicates that attending means focusing, concentrating and raising awareness of the essence of a content.

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